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 Spring / Summer "24  

 neW CoLlEcTIon! 


 New Collection - S/S "24

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Are you Tired? Underpaid? Overworked? Exhausted? Is the World on Fire?

Then do we have a collection for you!

Welcome to "BLK INC", my S/S "24 collection. Inspired by corporate burnout, the fast paced world we live in & honestly being tired 24/7.

Think sleepwear meets suits, work from home uniforms & sleep deprived morning commutes.

Shop the full collection now,

click the button below!



- I specialise in Recycling Clothes & Textiles. 


​- I take clothes that are damaged or unwanted & I give them a new lease of life.

- I work with mostly donations, & as I don't pay for my fabric, my customers don't either.

Instead everything I make is priced by how many hours have been spent making each garment.

- This makes my prices more affordable for customers, easier for me to make an income & stops waste textiles going to landfill. Win Win Win! 


Hi my name is

David Black

- Recycled Fashion

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House of Black - 15 Argyle Court, Hidden Lane, 1103 Argyle St, Finnieston, Glasgow, Scotland, G3 8ND - @houseofblk -

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